Red maple (Acer rubrum)

Red mapleRed maple (Acer rubrum) is a widely distributed species of maple from northern latitudes through southern latitudes in the eastern and central regions of the United States.

Its leaves grow in pairs, in an opposite and decussate arrangement along the twigs, stems and branches.

Red mapleRed maple trees usually have staminate flowers on one tree while pistillate flowers grow on a different tree.  The staminate flowers open first and create the red-tinged trees we notice in early spring.

Red mapleShortly after that, the pistillate flowers open and their fertilized ovaries become the familiar two-winged samaras.

Red mapleThe brilliantly colored leaves of Red maple could be a range of colors from yellow (as shown in the top photo), through the spectrum of oranges, to a vibrant red.

Red mapleWatch this video to learn the meaning of “decussate,” to see both male and female Red maple (Acer rubrum) flowers up close, to study the tree’s leaves in greater detail, and to watch this tree through all four seasons of its annual growth cycle.

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3 Responses to Red maple (Acer rubrum)

  1. Pingback: Mystery plant 018 | Identify that Plant

  2. Heraldo says:

    I liked the video, and especially plant acer rubrum, would like to plant in Brazil on my property. where I can buy seedlings and will be delivering in Brazil?

    • Angelyn says:

      I do not know where you can buy seedlings which might be delivered in Brazil. I suggest doing a search on the Internet. Perhaps you could purchase seeds rather than seedlings.

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