This plant can be found throughout the eastern half of North America as well as in the Pacific northwest area. When you can identify it, please leave a comment with both the scientific and common names of the plant. You are welcome to also leave a comment sharing any personal connection you have with this plant.
ANSWER (subsequently added to this post to facilitate the “search” function for these images): Purple-flowering raspberry (Rubus odoratus)
Wild raspberry. Rubus odorata!
Tony, you are “oh-so-close.” This is Purple-flowering raspberry which has the scientific name of Rubus odoratus. I once had the opportunity to taste the berries and found they do have a mild flavor. (Field guides indicate the berries are “tasteless.”) I’d like to try a whole handful of these at one time to give them a real taste test.
when youre out walking/hiking, theyre tasty!