Teaching experience: 40 years
Primary region: California
Website: Christopher Nyerges and School of Self-Reliance
Website pages include an explanation of the mission of School of Self-Reliance; schedule of walks, classes and workshops; articles and videos.
Guide to Wild Foods and Useful Plants, Second Edition
Written by Christopher Nyerges
Copyright 2014
Published by Chicago Review Press
- Agave
- Alyssum
- Amaranth
- Black Sage
- Brodiaea
- Burdock
- California Bay
- California Coffee Berry and Cascara Sagrada
- Camphor Tree
- Carob
- Cattail
- Chia
- Chickweed
- Chicory
- Cleavers
- Currants and Gooseberries
- Dandelion
- Dock
- Elder
- Epazote
- Eucalyptus
- Fennel
- Filaree
- Glasswort
- Grass
- Horehound
- Horsetail
- Lamb’s Quarter
- Mallow
- Manzanita
- Milkweed
- Miner’s Lettuce
- Mugwort
- Mustard
- Nasturtium
- Nettle
- Oak Tree
- Passionflower
- Pinon Pine
- Plantain
- Poison Oak
- Prickly Lettuce
- Prickly Pear
- Purslane
- Rose
- Rosemary
- Russian Thistle
- Sea Rocket
- Seaweeds
- Shepherd’s Purse
- Sow Thistle
- Thistle
- Toothwort
- Toyon
- Watercress
- Water Hyacinth
- Western Black Nightshade
- White Sage
- Wild Asparagus
- Wild Buckwheat
- Wild Cucumber
- Wild Onions
- Willow
- Wood Sorrel
- Yarrow
- Yerba Santa
- Yucca
Poisonous plants specifically called out and included:
- Castor Bean
- Jimsonweed
- Poison Hemlock
- Tree Tobacco
Review: Nyerges applies his years of experience with plants to this revised edition of his book. Since he is based in California, the plants he chooses to highlight include many found only in that region. However, there are numerous other plants which are distributed throughout North America and included in the book. The chapter for each plant features a description of the plant’s most prominent characteristics, beneficial properties (edible, medicinal and other), detrimental properties, where it can be found, growing cycle, and other intriguing pieces of information. The book is clearly written with accompanying useful full-color photos.
Available from: Christopher Nyerges’ website and booksellers such as Amazon or Barnes & Noble.