Mystery plant 012

You can find this plant in lawns and fields throughout the world.  It is native to parts of Africa, Asia, the Americas and Europe.  Please share the names of this plant — both common and scientific — along with your personal stories about the plant.


A single plant during the spring season


Group of plants with flowers in various stages


Flower head and leaf pattern


Flower head beginning to bloom


Flower head with flowers in different stages


Dead flower head


Flower head broken open to get to seeds


Seed cover (left) and seed (right)


ANSWER (subsequently added to this post to facilitate the “search” function for these images):  Red clover (Trifolium pratense)


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6 Responses to Mystery plant 012

  1. I love me some red clover (Trifolium pretense)!
    A wonderful ally to women, I enjoy red clover in my tea and as an infused oil that I slather all over my body. It grew like a rogue weed in my garden this year which I appreciated as if you buy it from let’s say Mountain Rose Herbs, it is $35/pound!

  2. Margaret says:

    Oh my wonderful friend Red Clover, Trifolium pratense! This beautiful lady is a gift for her beauty and her health-giving properties especially for women. She grows in my herb garden and is a special favorite of the bumblebees. I carefully harvest just a few of her perfect flowers every few days during the spring and summer to dry and use in herbal formulas and skin care products. Red Clover is one of my favorite herbs!

  3. Angelyn says:

    Kristie and Margaret, you are both correct. I personally enjoy eating the flower heads from Red clover (Trifolium pratense) whenever I walk by a patch with some fresh blooms. This is one of those plants with a common name that does not quite make sense to me. “Red” clover? When the flower head is really purple? And the clover with bright red flower heads is commonly called “Crimson clover.” Ah well . . .

  4. Margaret says:

    Angelyn, I’d never thought to eat red clover flowers! Sounds interesting. Again, thanks for all your information and excellent photos. All very helpful and much appreciated.
    Best wishes,

  5. Love those flowers! Especially a top of your favorite wild weedy spring/summer salad. Include violet flowers, dandelion greens, young lamb quarters greens….YUM!

  6. Maryann says:

    I am loving this site! My now and then visiting woodchuck loves my red clover. I’ve let it take off in a couple different gardens. I think my neighbors wonder why I might let what they think are weeds go, but of course we see that differently. I love reading the options on how to put it to use. Thanks!

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