Mystery plant 062

This low-growing plant is native to areas within the southeastern United States.  When you can identify it, please leave a comment with its scientific and common names.  And share any personal story you may have about the plant.


Leaves in summer and fall


Leaves during winter and early spring


Plant in bloom




Side view of flower


ANSWER (subsequently added to this post to facilitate the “search” function for these images): Oconee bells (Shortia galacifolia)

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4 Responses to Mystery plant 062

  1. Norman Smith says:

    Oconee Bells Shortia galacifolia

  2. Joan says:

    Norman wins this time!
    Oconee Bells (Shortia galacifolia)
    I did have the pleasure I seeing these in South Carolina this Spring.

  3. Angelyn says:

    Yes, this is Oconee bells (Shortia galacifolia). The patch I have observed and photographed over the years is located at The Botanical Gardens of Asheville (NC). Someday I hope to grow a patch for myself.

  4. Gael says:

    Hi. I’ve been struggling to identify one of my house plants with little success until I found this page. The leaves are exactly the same, but it’s never had any flowers in the seven years I’ve had it with me. Plus, instead of lying low it’s grown into a small tree thingy. I can’t upload pictures here, but I’ve put some on my FB.

    Thanks and greeting from Mex,


    Link to my picture (sorry, it’s very long):

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