Photos on Facebook – December 2011

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Indian tobaccoDecember 23, 2011

Indian tobacco

(Lobelia inflata)


Rosebay rhododendronDecember 22, 2011

Rosebay rhododendron

(Rhododendron maximum)


Lance-leaved wild licoriceDecember 21, 2011

Lance-leaved wild licorice

(Galium lanceolatum)


Virgin's bowerDecember 20, 2011

Virgin’s bower

(Clematis virginiana)


Black-eyed susanDecember 19, 2011

Black-eyed susan

(Rudbeckia hirta)


Scrub pineDecember 16, 2011

Scrub pine

(Pinus virginiana)


Squaw rootDecember 15, 2011

Squaw root

(Conopholis americana)


MulleinDecember 14, 2011


(Verbascum thapsus)


Gall-of-the-earthDecember 13, 2011


(Prenanthes trifoliolata)


GalaxDecember 12, 2011


(Galax urceolata)


Meadow hawkweedDecember 9, 2011

Meadow hawkweed

(Hieracium caespitosum)


Everlasting peaDecember 8, 2011

Everlasting pea

(Lathyrus latifolius)


ThimbleweedDecember 7, 2011


(Anemone virginiana)


BittercressDecember 6, 2011


(Cardamine hirsuta)


Common chickweedDecember 5, 2011

Common chickweed

(Stellaria media)


Rattlesnake fernDecember 2, 2011

Rattlesnake fern

(Botrypus virginianus)


Witch hazelDecember 1, 2011

Witch hazel

(Hamamelis virginiana)