Photos on Facebook – October 2012

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Common chickweedOctober 31, 2012

Common chickweed

(Stellaria media)


Heal-allOctober 30, 2012


(Prunella vulgaris)


Flowering dogwoodOctober 29, 2012

Flowering dogwood

(Cornus florida)


WingstemOctober 26, 2012


(Verbesina alternifolia)


Lamb's quartersOctober 25, 2012

Lamb’s quarters

(Chenopodium album)


Heart-leaved skullcapOctober 24, 2012

Heart-leaved skullcap

(Scutellaria ovata)


Dutchman's pipeOctober 23, 2012

Dutchman’s pipe

(Aristolochia macrophylla)


Wild yamOctober 22, 2012

Wild yam

(Dioscorea villosa)


Adam-and-EveOctober 19, 2012


(Aplectrum hyemale)


Black cohoshOctober 18, 2012

Black cohosh

(Actaea racemosa)


BloodrootOctober 17, 2012


(Sanguinaria canadensis)


Blue cohoshOctober 16, 2012

Blue cohosh

(Caulophyllum thalictroides)


TurtleheadOctober 15, 2012


(Chelone lyoni)


Red buckeyeOctober 12, 2012

Red buckeye

(Aesculus pavia)


Sweet pepperbushOctober 11, 2012

Sweet pepperbush

(Clethra alnifolia)


American chestnutOctober 10, 2012

American chestnut

(Castanea dentata)


Sweet everlastingOctober 9, 2012

Sweet everlasting

(Pseudognaphalium obtusifolium)


Bitter dockOctober 8,2012

Bitter dock

(Rumex obtusifolius)


Gall-of-the-earthOctober 5, 2012


(Prenanthes trifoliolata)


Nodding ladies tressesOctober 4, 2012

Nodding ladies tresses

(Spiranthes cernua)


Nodding ladies tressesOctober 3, 2012

Nodding ladies tresses

(Spiranthes cernua)


Panicled hawkweedOctober 2, 2012

Panicled hawkweed

(Hieracium paniculatum)


Queen Anne's laceOctober 1, 2012

Queen Anne’s lace

(Daucus carota)