Mystery plant 089

This somewhat shrub-like native plant grows in the southeastern region of the U.S.  When you can identify it, leave a comment with its common name and scientific name.  And share any personal story you may have about the plant.


Branch, leaf bud and leaf scars during winter season


Flower buds


Flowers and flower buds


Flower stalk near end of blooming season, leaves


Leaves, leaf arrangement




Branch and leaf stalks during fall season


ANSWER (subsequently added to this post to facilitate the “search” function for these images): Buffalo nut (Pyrularia pubera)

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4 Responses to Mystery plant 089

  1. Evan says:

    buffalo nut, Pyrularia pubera

  2. Norman Smith says:

    Itea virginica (Virginia sweetspire)

  3. Dave Luning says:

    Itea Virginica

  4. Angelyn says:

    This is a plant which took me a long time to identify. It’s actually Buffalo nut (Pyrularia pubera). It’s a parasite and grows plentifully in the woods near me.

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