Mystery plant 019

This plant is definitely considered to be a “weed” and many gardeners and farmers spend lots of time and money attempting its eradication.  When you can identify it, provide its common and scientific names in a comment below.  Also, please share any personal story you have about this plant (even if you can’t seem to remember any of its common names).


Seed pods (siliques)


Flower buds; new flowers opening


Flowers; leaflets with hairs


Leaves, leaflets, hairs and flowers


Leaves with leaflets


Whole plant prior to flowering


Group of plants in flower


ANSWER (subsequently added to this post to facilitate the “search” function for these images):  Hairy bittercress (Cardamine hirsuta)

Also, read the blog post and watch the plant portrait video for Hairy bittercress (Cardamine hirsuta).

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3 Responses to Mystery plant 019

  1. Eva says:

    Cardamine hirsuta (bittercress)?

  2. Amber says:

    You beat me to it, Eva! Bittercress, for sure. 🙂

  3. Angelyn says:

    Go, Eva! You are correct about this being a bittercress. Specifically it is Cardamine hirsuta — also known as hairy bittercress. It’s one of those late winter/early spring edible plants. And . . . lots of gardeners dislike this plant because when the seed pods dry, they FLING their seeds everywhere. You don’t even have to touch the pod. Just stand nearby and listen carefully for the mini-explosions (especially when there’s a breeze).

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