Large whorled pogonia (Isotria verticillata)

Large whorled pogoniaThis beautiful and rare native orchid — Large whorled pogonia (Isotria verticillata) — grows in woods in eastern North America.  The plant’s colors blend well with its habitat.

Large whorled pogoniaIn this close view of the flower, you can see a small crab spider clinging to one of the flower’s sepals.

Large whorled pogonia

Not all Larged whorled pogonia plants bloom each year.  When they do and when the flower is fertilized, the seed capsule (which is the upper portion of the stalk) rises above the whorled leaves.

Large whorled pogonia

Watch this video about Large whorled pogonia (Isotria verticillata) to observe the flower’s remarkable sepals, to see close views of the flower’s structure, and to test your ability to pick out this plant from surrounding plants in the woods.

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