This evergreen perennial’s range includes central and eastern portions of North America. When you can identify it, leave a comment below with its common name, scientific name and any personal story you may have about the plant.
ANSWER (subsequently added to this post to facilitate the “search” function for these images): Partridgeberry (Mitchella repens)
looks like chickweed to me. I harvest from my garden beds in the spring and make an infusion with the fresh green plant.
Rand, I can understand how this might look a bit like chickweed with the leaf shape and long stems. However, its flower is considerably different from the chickweed flower. You might want to check out this post which includes a video with identifying characteristics for common chickweed:
Partridge berry, Mitchella repens. Perhaps my favorite native evergreen groundcover.
I know this sub-shrub as Partridge-berry (Mitchella repens). Though the fruit are typically tasteless, I enjoy nibbling on them whenever I encounter a decent patch.
Partridgeberry (Michella repens) or Twinberry. I miss this plant in SW Missouri, but I treasured it in NY and NJ!
Partridgeberry (Mitchella repens)
Partridgeberry, but I needed flowers or fruit to be sure. Michella repens. I love the double belly button on the berries. It always grows in woods near water (but not swampy ones) here. I never realized how fuzzy the flowers were until I saw your photo.
partridge berry, mitchella repens…..
Everybody is right except the chickweed guy……sorry Rand…LOL.
Yes, this is Partridgeberry (Mitchella repens). Thanks for all the comments and enlightening personal stories.