This woodland plant grows in eastern North America. When you can identify it, leave a comment with its common name, scientific name and any personal story you may have about the plant.

Staminate (male) inflorescence in bloom in foreground; pistillate (female) inflorescence growing in background
ANSWER (subsequently added to this post to facilitate the “search” function for these images): Fairy wand (Chamaelirium luteum)
Fairy wand, Chamaelirium luteum
its really good I mean good
Yes, it is Chamaelirium luteum of family Melanthiaceae of monocots.
This is Fairy wand (Chamaelirium luteum) which has a another intriguing, and contrasting, common name: Devil’s bit. The pistillate inflorescence rises about three times as high as the staminate inflorescence on a neighboring plant.
Love this plant…. Obsessed with it. Its pretty rare around these parts (Eastern Kentucky), either that or deer have browsed on the majority of them and have made it impossible to find!
I purchased a couple plants some years ago. Just this year I found some baby plants which have sprouted in the nearby vegetable garden — from seeds grown and dispersed a year or two ago. I’m hoping to have more blooming plants in the coming years.